Electrician Forsyth, GA
  If you are looking for a licensed Electrician in Forsyth, GA you have came to the right place! Gravette Electrical Services is here for you electrical needs!
  We service primarily residential customers, therefore we are residential electrical specialist. We also provide light commercial electrical services.
  If you are in need of a dependable, honest, and fair priced electrician in or around Forsyth, GA we have you covered.Â
Best Electrician Of Georgia!
A few reason to choose us!
- We hold an Electrical Contractor license for the state of Georgia.
- Insured for the protection of you and your belongings.
- Highly educated in the electrical field.
- We use flat rate pricing, which means if something takes a little longer than expected it comes out of our wallet not yours! No hourly rates!
- Workmanship guarantee, We warranty all of our parts and labor!
- Family Owned, which means no huge corporate office to deal with!